Sunday, 23 September 2007

Back to Education

Well for the first time in 24 years I am about to go back into the classroom. I have decided that I need a little bit of help with my photography and photoshop skills so have signed up to do a college course. I start my course tomorrow night and am a little bit nervous and also quite looking forward to it at the same time.
I have been learning about photography and photoshop by reading books,reading a few online forums and tutorials and also a lot of trial and error.I think that without some hands on tutoring I have probably gone as far as I can on my own.I think that I am reasonably competent but don`t really have a benchmark to set myself against so will hopefully find out on this course whether I have learned as much as I think I have.
I have a few things that I feel I need a little bit of help with so hopefully I will be able to find the answers on this course.I intend on keeping this blog a bit more up to date in the future too so I can have a sort of timeline to my studies.

Thursday, 6 September 2007

"Proper" Stock Photography !

Well it`s been quite a while since I have even had time to post anything on here never mind take any new photos as I have been rather busy doing other things.Still in the last few days I have managed to make a lightbox and also get out with my camera around town and take a few pics of one thing and another.

So first of all these are just 3 of the lightbox pics I took the other day which have been submitted and accepted onto the various stock sites I subscribe to.I had real trouble with the trumpet as no matter which way I tried to photograph it I ended up with reflections I didn`t want.I have quite a few more that I intend to submiy once I have the time to process them.If I am completely honest though I am not sure whether this is the type of photography I want to spend a lot of time doing as without the correct equipment I find it really difficult to get the white balance etc spot on.Maybe I will invest in some proper studio lights and see how I get on with them.

I also have a selection of pictures that were taken on a nice sunny day around town including a few of the old black and white Tudor buildings which seem to be on every corner.They can wait for my next post though which I hope won`t be too long.